Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico — statistics

We present to you the most complete, extensive, and comprehensive statistical information on place Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico.

Discover the essence of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), a city of Mexico. Cities, the bedrocks of modern civilization, play pivotal roles in the cultural, economic, and social development of a country. They are centers of innovation, culture, and history, often reflecting the country's heritage and progress. The role of cities like Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) in Mexico extends beyond mere geographical significance; they are hubs of commerce, education, and lifestyle.

City Definition and Importance

A city is more than just a densely populated area; it is a dynamic ecosystem offering a unique blend of opportunities and challenges. Cities drive the economic engine of countries, hosting significant business districts and industries. They serve as cultural epicenters, preserving historical landmarks while fostering contemporary arts and entertainment. Moreover, cities are melting pots of diversity, home to a multitude of ethnicities, cultures, and traditions.

Main User Groups Benefiting from This Information

  • Tourists: Those planning to visit Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) for its rich cultural heritage and attractions.
  • Business Professionals: Individuals seeking business opportunities or insights into the economic landscape of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco).
  • Students and Researchers: Scholars exploring the historical, cultural, or demographic aspects of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco).
  • Residents: Locals seeking updated information about their city's development and future trends.

Our Data and Prediction Models

Our comprehensive database is constantly updated every 3 hours, ensuring you have the latest information about Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco). We source our data from reputable and authoritative sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Our innovative prediction models provide insights into the future demographic trends of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), projecting population changes up to the year 2100. This feature is invaluable for planners, researchers, and anyone interested in the long-term development of the city.

Universal Relevance

The information we provide transcends local boundaries, offering universal insights relevant to any city in the world. Whether you are interested in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) or any other city globally, our platform provides tailored, comprehensive, and up-to-date city data.

FAQ about Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco)

In what country is Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) is in Mexico

What population in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) living 497 people

How many men there are in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) living 242 men

How many women are there in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

As of today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) live 253 women

What is the average age of a resident of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today the average age of a resident of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) is 30 years

How many babies are there in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) 39 babies. Of these, the girls - 19, the boys - 20. By infants we mean young children under 4 years of age

How many little kids are there in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

As of today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) 40 little kids. Of these boys - 20 and girls 19. These are children from 5 to 9 years old.

How many children in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) there are 41 children. Of these, the boys are - 21 and girls - 20. These are children from 10 to 14 years old

How many teenagers there are in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) living 41 teenagers. These are people from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, the girls are - 20 , boys - 20.

How many long-livers there are in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) ?

Today in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco) 0 long-livers. These are people who are over 100 years old. Of these men 0 and women 0.

Population in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco)
Median age in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco)
Population by age
0-14 years old 120
15-29 years old 120
30-44 years old 104
45-59 years old 80
60-74 years old 43
75-89 years old 11
90+ years old 1
Male by age
0-14 years old 61
15-29 years old 59
30-44 years old 48
45-59 years old 35
60-74 years old 18
75-89 years old 3
90+ years old 0
Female by age
0-14 years old 58
15-29 years old 59
30-44 years old 51
45-59 years old 41
60-74 years old 21
75-89 years old 6
90+ years old 0

MXN exchange rate

Exchange rates represented by the ExchangesBoard

The main milestones of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico population

1972 200
1989 300
2007 400
2026 500

Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico population is constantly growing, and we can estimate the main milestones of Mexico population

The ratio of men and women in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico

Male 242 49%
Female 253 51%

Current ratio of men and women in absolute and relative values in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico. If you are interested in the answer to the question "How many men and women are there in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico?" you've come to the right place!

Sources of our data about Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico

The main sources of data on the population and other in Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico:

  • United Nations (UN) Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico statistic;
  • World Bank Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico statistic
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico statistic;

We constantly update information about Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico to provide you with only reliable and verified data!

Statistics details

Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico population, demographics, and projections to 2100

This graph provides information about the dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico population: the Total number of inhabitants, the number of men, the number of women, and the average age of Barrio de Cristo Rey (Apetzco), Mexico inhabitants.

In the table, we present similar data, taking into account the projections until 2100.

Year Population Male Female Median age
1950 103 51 51 19
1951 106 53 53
1952 109 54 54
1953 112 56 56
1954 116 57 58
1955 119 59 60 18
1956 123 61 61
1957 127 63 63
1958 131 65 65
1959 135 67 67
1960 139 69 70 17
1961 144 71 72
1962 148 74 74
1963 153 76 76
1964 158 78 79
1965 163 81 81 17
1966 168 84 84
1967 173 86 87
1968 179 89 89
1969 184 92 92
1970 190 95 95 17
1971 196 98 98
1972 202 101 101
1973 208 104 104
1974 214 107 107
1975 220 110 110 17
1976 226 113 113
1977 232 116 116
1978 238 119 119
1979 244 122 122
1980 250 125 125 17
1981 256 127 128
1982 262 130 132
1983 269 133 135
1984 275 136 138
1985 281 139 141 19
1986 287 142 145
1987 293 145 148
1988 298 148 150
1989 304 150 153
1990 310 153 156 20
1991 316 156 160
1992 322 159 163
1993 327 161 166
1994 333 164 169
1995 339 166 172 21
1996 344 169 175
1997 350 172 178
1998 355 174 180
1999 360 177 183
2000 366 179 186 23
2001 371 182 189
2002 376 184 191
2003 381 186 194
2004 386 189 197
2005 392 191 200 25
2006 398 194 203
2007 404 197 206
2008 410 200 209
2009 416 203 212
2010 422 206 215 26
2011 428 209 218
2012 434 212 221
2013 439 215 224
2014 445 217 227
2015 450 220 230 28
2016 456 223 233
2017 461 225 235
2018 466 228 238
2019 472 230 241
2020 477 233 243 29
2021 482 235 246
2022 486 238 248
2023 491 240 251
2024 496 242 253 30
2025 500 244 255 31
2026 505 247 257
2027 509 249 260
2028 513 251 262
2029 517 253 264
2030 521 255 266 33
2031 525 256 268
2032 528 258 270
2033 532 260 272
2034 536 262 273
2035 539 263 275 34
2036 542 265 277
2037 545 266 278
2038 548 268 280
2039 551 269 281
2040 554 271 283 36
2041 556 272 284
2042 559 273 285
2043 561 274 286
2044 563 275 287
2045 565 276 288 38
2046 567 277 289
2047 569 278 290
2048 571 279 291
2049 572 280 292
2050 574 281 292 39
2051 575 281 293
2052 576 282 293
2053 577 283 294
2054 578 283 294
2055 579 284 295 41
2056 580 284 295
2057 580 285 295
2058 581 285 295
2059 581 285 295
2060 581 285 295 42
2061 581 286 295
2062 581 286 295
2063 581 286 295
2064 581 286 295
2065 581 286 294 44
2066 580 286 294
2067 580 286 294
2068 579 286 293
2069 579 286 293
2070 578 285 292 45
2071 577 285 292
2072 576 285 291
2073 575 284 290
2074 574 284 290
2075 573 284 289 46
2076 572 283 288
2077 570 283 287
2078 569 282 286
2079 568 282 286
2080 566 281 285 47
2081 564 280 284
2082 563 280 283
2083 561 279 282
2084 559 278 281
2085 557 277 280 48
2086 555 276 279
2087 553 275 277
2088 551 274 276
2089 549 273 275
2090 547 272 274 48
2091 545 271 273
2092 542 270 272
2093 540 269 270
2094 538 268 269
2095 535 267 268 49
2096 533 266 267
2097 531 265 265
2098 528 264 264
2099 526 262 263
2100 523 261 262 49
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