Guinea-Bissau — statistics

We present to you the most complete, extensive, and comprehensive statistical information on Guinea-Bissau.

Explore the most comprehensive statistical analysis of Guinea-Bissau for the year 2024, extending to projections up to 2100. Our platform provides in-depth data across various metrics, catering to diverse informational needs.

  • Demographic Breakdown: Detailed insights into population size, gender distribution, age groups, including specific data on children, teenagers, and senior demographics.
  • Economic Indicators: Explore GDP, GDP per capita, and the national currency's international ISO code. This data is crucial for understanding the economic status and development of Guinea-Bissau.
  • Geographical Details: Information on the country's total area, population density, major urban centers, and regional population distribution, offering a geographical perspective.
  • Future Trends: Population forecasts up to 2100, providing valuable insights for long-term strategic planning and analysis.
  • Accessibility and Usability: Our user-friendly interface and interactive tools make navigating through complex data simple and engaging.
  • Global Context: Understand how Guinea-Bissau fits into the global scenario with comparative statistics and global rankings.
  • Value for Various Users: Whether you're a student, researcher, policy maker, or business professional, our comprehensive data supports a wide range of applications, from academic research to market analysis.

Join us at to delve into the dynamic world of Guinea-Bissau's statistics. Our platform is your gateway to understanding the intricate details and broader patterns shaping Guinea-Bissau today and into the future.

FAQ about Guinea-Bissau

What area of the Guinea-Bissau ?

Area Guinea-Bissau is 36120 km2

What is the population of the Guinea-Bissau ?

As of today, in the Guinea-Bissau reside 1874309 person

What is the GDP in the Guinea-Bissau ?

As of today, GDP Guinea-Bissau is 1458 billion $

What is the national currency code of Guinea-Bissau ?

International ISO code for the national currency of Guinea-Bissau - xof

How many men in the Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau lives 1067929 men

How many women in Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau lives 1108322 women

What is the average age of a resident of Guinea-Bissau ?

Average age of a resident Guinea-Bissau as of today - 19 years old

How many babies are there in Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau 318440 babies. Of which the girls - 157758, the boys - 160681. By infants we mean young children under 4 years of age

How many young children in Guinea-Bissau ?

As of today in Guinea-Bissau 295323 young children. Of these, the boys are - 148781 and girls 146541. These are children from 5 to 9 years old.

How many children are there in Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau live 269451 children. Of these, the boys are - 135514 and girls - 133936. These are children from 10 to 14 years old

How many teenagers there are in Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau live 235251 teenagers. These are people from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, the girls are - 117323 , young men - 117927.

How many long-livers there are in Guinea-Bissau ?

Today in Guinea-Bissau {country_current_data_population_by_age_100+_data} of long-livers. These are people who are over 100 years old. Of these men {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_100+_data} and women {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_100+_data}

What are the biggest cities in Guinea-Bissau ?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top 100 largest cities in Guinea-Bissau. It is always available at the link. The list is presented in a table sorted from largest to smallest.

What are the largest regions in Guinea-Bissau?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top regions in Guinea-Bissau. It is where the largest number of people in the country live. It is always available by link. The list is presented in a table sorted from the largest to the smallest.

Median age
Countries area in km2
Density per km2
GDP (millions $)
GDP per capita ($)
Population by age
0-14 years old 883,214
15-29 years old 610,235
30-44 years old 393,458
45-59 years old 189,989
60-74 years old 84,066
75-89 years old 15,665
90+ years old 165
Male by age
0-14 years old 444,976
15-29 years old 303,977
30-44 years old 189,411
45-59 years old 88,996
60-74 years old 35,289
75-89 years old 5,482
90+ years old 48
Female by age
0-14 years old 438,235
15-29 years old 306,255
30-44 years old 204,044
45-59 years old 100,990
60-74 years old 48,775
75-89 years old 10,181
90+ years old 116

Top 7 locations in Guinea-Bissau

Bissau 439,704
Gabú 49,371
Bafatá 33,502
Canchungo 13,652
Bissorã 12,688
Bolama 10,769
Cacheu 10,490

List of the largest cities in Guinea-Bissau (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest cities in Guinea-Bissau?" you've come to the right place!

Rating Guinea-Bissau cities by population

Top 7 largest regions in Guinea-Bissau

Bissau 395,954
Oio Region 196,057
Bafatá 194,591
Gabú 192,903
Cacheu Region 179,739
Tombali 105,485
Biombo 69,751

List of the largest regions in Guinea-Bissau (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest regions in Guinea-Bissau?" you've come to the right place!

Rating of regions in Guinea-Bissau by population

XOF exchange rate

Exchange rates represented by the ExchangesBoard

The main milestones of Guinea-Bissau population

1958 600,000
1970 700,000
1982 800,000
1987 900,000
1992 1,000,000
2021 2,000,000
2041 3,000,000
2059 4,000,000
2079 5,000,000

Guinea-Bissau population is constantly growing, and we can estimate the main milestones of Guinea-Bissau population

Sources of our data about Guinea-Bissau

The main sources of data on the population, incidence of coronavirus and other in Guinea-Bissau:

  • United Nations (UN) Guinea-Bissau statistic;
  • World Bank Guinea-Bissau statistic
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Guinea-Bissau statistic;

We constantly update information about Guinea-Bissau to provide you with only reliable and verified data!

Statistics details

Guinea-Bissau population, demographics, and projections to 2100

This graph provides information about the dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of Guinea-Bissau population: the Total number of inhabitants, the number of men, the number of women, and the average age of Guinea-Bissau inhabitants.

In the table, we present similar data, taking into account the projections until 2100.

Year Population Male Female Median age
1950 535,438 264,674 270,764 22
1951 544,412 269,039 275,373
1952 552,569 272,998 279,571
1953 560,362 276,768 283,594
1954 568,163 280,529 287,634
1955 576,131 284,363 291,768 21
1956 584,335 288,308 296,027
1957 592,669 292,309 300,360
1958 600,925 296,264 304,661
1959 608,835 300,048 308,787
1960 616,140 303,533 312,607 20
1961 622,754 306,675 316,079
1962 628,877 309,577 319,300
1963 635,008 312,477 322,531
1964 641,821 315,721 326,100
1965 649,795 319,524 330,271 20
1966 658,998 323,921 335,077
1967 669,243 328,801 340,442
1968 680,431 334,159 346,272
1969 692,407 339,959 352,448
1970 704,937 346,108 358,829 20
1971 718,359 352,811 365,548
1972 732,516 359,964 372,552
1973 746,178 366,798 379,380
1974 757,668 372,275 385,393
1975 765,985 375,764 390,221 20
1976 770,415 376,817 393,598
1977 771,732 375,919 395,813
1978 772,137 374,394 397,743
1979 774,726 374,130 400,596
1980 781,678 376,449 405,229 18
1981 793,804 381,842 411,962
1982 810,402 389,873 420,529
1983 830,212 399,792 430,420
1984 851,276 410,399 440,877
1985 872,163 420,834 451,329 17
1986 892,530 430,886 461,644
1987 912,755 440,791 471,964
1988 933,046 450,677 482,369
1989 953,782 460,771 493,011
1990 975,265 471,254 504,011 17
1991 997,522 482,137 515,385
1992 1,020,353 493,300 527,053
1993 1,043,421 504,567 538,854
1994 1,066,345 515,743 550,602
1995 1,088,850 526,686 562,164 17
1996 1,110,835 537,365 573,470
1997 1,132,505 547,875 584,630
1998 1,154,372 558,435 595,937
1999 1,177,133 569,349 607,784
2000 1,201,305 580,846 620,459 17
2001 1,227,105 593,008 634,097
2002 1,254,454 605,833 648,621
2003 1,283,297 619,392 663,905
2004 1,313,492 633,751 679,741
2005 1,344,931 648,960 695,971 18
2006 1,377,582 665,041 712,541
2007 1,411,545 682,008 729,537
2008 1,446,936 699,852 747,084
2009 1,483,920 718,542 765,378
2010 1,522,603 738,048 784,555 18
2011 1,562,996 758,360 804,636
2012 1,604,981 779,433 825,548
2013 1,648,259 801,147 847,112
2014 1,692,433 823,339 869,094
2015 1,737,207 845,894 891,313 18
2016 1,782,434 868,732 913,702
2017 1,828,146 891,865 936,281
2018 1,874,304 915,245 959,059
2019 1,920,917 938,863 982,054
2020 1,967,998 962,695 1,005,303 19
2021 2,015,490 986,721 1,028,769
2022 2,063,361 1,010,916 1,052,445
2023 2,111,612 1,035,293 1,076,319
2024 2,160,280 1,059,867 1,100,413 19
2025 2,209,378 1,084,651 1,124,727 19
2026 2,258,895 1,109,636 1,149,259
2027 2,308,813 1,134,813 1,174,000
2028 2,359,159 1,160,186 1,198,973
2029 2,409,956 1,185,776 1,224,180
2030 2,461,208 1,211,577 1,249,631 20
2031 2,512,924 1,237,600 1,275,324
2032 2,565,082 1,263,820 1,301,262
2033 2,617,671 1,290,244 1,327,427
2034 2,670,648 1,316,846 1,353,802
2035 2,724,000 1,343,608 1,380,392 21
2036 2,777,711 1,370,534 1,407,177
2037 2,831,754 1,397,604 1,434,150
2038 2,886,139 1,424,821 1,461,318
2039 2,940,904 1,452,210 1,488,694
2040 2,996,057 1,479,757 1,516,300 23
2041 3,051,567 1,507,470 1,544,097
2042 3,107,400 1,535,324 1,572,076
2043 3,163,490 1,563,274 1,600,216
2044 3,219,714 1,591,268 1,628,446
2045 3,276,006 1,619,269 1,656,737 24
2046 3,332,323 1,647,262 1,685,061
2047 3,388,624 1,675,221 1,713,403
2048 3,444,902 1,703,149 1,741,753
2049 3,501,098 1,731,009 1,770,089
2050 3,557,202 1,758,806 1,798,396 25
2051 3,613,167 1,786,521 1,826,646
2052 3,668,979 1,814,134 1,854,845
2053 3,724,567 1,841,619 1,882,948
2054 3,779,893 1,868,963 1,910,930
2055 3,834,904 1,896,130 1,938,774 26
2056 3,889,587 1,923,117 1,966,470
2057 3,943,893 1,949,903 1,993,990
2058 3,997,847 1,976,502 2,021,345
2059 4,051,475 2,002,912 2,048,563
2060 4,104,756 2,029,136 2,075,620 27
2061 4,157,710 2,055,189 2,102,521
2062 4,210,298 2,081,036 2,129,262
2063 4,262,469 2,106,657 2,155,812
2064 4,314,169 2,132,022 2,182,147
2065 4,365,367 2,157,120 2,208,247 28
2066 4,416,017 2,181,921 2,234,096
2067 4,466,124 2,206,431 2,259,693
2068 4,515,687 2,230,643 2,285,044
2069 4,564,693 2,254,561 2,310,132
2070 4,613,179 2,278,191 2,334,988 29
2071 4,661,110 2,301,514 2,359,596
2072 4,708,449 2,324,516 2,383,933
2073 4,755,179 2,347,185 2,407,994
2074 4,801,249 2,369,500 2,431,749
2075 4,846,593 2,391,416 2,455,177 30
2076 4,891,210 2,412,938 2,478,272
2077 4,935,081 2,434,065 2,501,016
2078 4,978,198 2,454,779 2,523,419
2079 5,020,567 2,475,102 2,545,465
2080 5,062,176 2,495,012 2,567,164 31
2081 5,103,017 2,514,515 2,588,502
2082 5,143,068 2,533,598 2,609,470
2083 5,182,285 2,552,243 2,630,042
2084 5,220,606 2,570,410 2,650,196
2085 5,258,003 2,588,095 2,669,908 32
2086 5,294,437 2,605,264 2,689,173
2087 5,329,933 2,621,942 2,707,991
2088 5,364,473 2,638,134 2,726,339
2089 5,398,063 2,653,841 2,744,222
2090 5,430,728 2,669,081 2,761,647 33
2091 5,462,450 2,683,843 2,778,607
2092 5,493,245 2,698,151 2,795,094
2093 5,523,083 2,711,982 2,811,101
2094 5,551,996 2,725,350 2,826,646
2095 5,579,975 2,738,256 2,841,719 34
2096 5,607,010 2,750,690 2,856,320
2097 5,633,139 2,762,678 2,870,461
2098 5,658,379 2,774,231 2,884,148
2099 5,682,738 2,785,356 2,897,382
2100 5,706,289 2,796,105 2,910,184 35
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