Republic of Cabo Verde — statistics

We present to you the most complete, extensive, and comprehensive statistical information on Republic of Cabo Verde.

Explore the most comprehensive statistical analysis of Republic of Cabo Verde for the year 2024, extending to projections up to 2100. Our platform provides in-depth data across various metrics, catering to diverse informational needs.

  • Demographic Breakdown: Detailed insights into population size, gender distribution, age groups, including specific data on children, teenagers, and senior demographics.
  • Economic Indicators: Explore GDP, GDP per capita, and the national currency's international ISO code. This data is crucial for understanding the economic status and development of Republic of Cabo Verde.
  • Geographical Details: Information on the country's total area, population density, major urban centers, and regional population distribution, offering a geographical perspective.
  • Future Trends: Population forecasts up to 2100, providing valuable insights for long-term strategic planning and analysis.
  • Accessibility and Usability: Our user-friendly interface and interactive tools make navigating through complex data simple and engaging.
  • Global Context: Understand how Republic of Cabo Verde fits into the global scenario with comparative statistics and global rankings.
  • Value for Various Users: Whether you're a student, researcher, policy maker, or business professional, our comprehensive data supports a wide range of applications, from academic research to market analysis.

Join us at to delve into the dynamic world of Republic of Cabo Verde's statistics. Our platform is your gateway to understanding the intricate details and broader patterns shaping Republic of Cabo Verde today and into the future.

FAQ about Republic of Cabo Verde

What area of the Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Area Republic of Cabo Verde is 4033 km2

What is the population of the Republic of Cabo Verde ?

As of today, in the Republic of Cabo Verde reside 543767 person

What is the GDP in the Republic of Cabo Verde ?

As of today, GDP Republic of Cabo Verde is 1977 billion $

What is the national currency code of Republic of Cabo Verde ?

International ISO code for the national currency of Republic of Cabo Verde - cve

How many men in the Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde lives 291396 men

How many women in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde lives 289240 women

What is the average age of a resident of Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Average age of a resident Republic of Cabo Verde as of today - 29 years old

How many babies are there in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde 49520 babies. Of which the girls - 24439, the boys - 25082. By infants we mean young children under 4 years of age

How many young children in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

As of today in Republic of Cabo Verde 51675 young children. Of these, the boys are - 26180 and girls 25495. These are children from 5 to 9 years old.

How many children are there in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde live 52570 children. Of these, the boys are - 26636 and girls - 25933. These are children from 10 to 14 years old

How many teenagers there are in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde live 48239 teenagers. These are people from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, the girls are - 24059 , young men - 24180.

How many long-livers there are in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Today in Republic of Cabo Verde 5 of long-livers. These are people who are over 100 years old. Of these men 1 and women 4

What are the biggest cities in Republic of Cabo Verde ?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top 100 largest cities in Republic of Cabo Verde. It is always available at the link. The list is presented in a table sorted from largest to smallest.

What are the largest regions in Republic of Cabo Verde?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top regions in Republic of Cabo Verde. It is where the largest number of people in the country live. It is always available by link. The list is presented in a table sorted from the largest to the smallest.

Median age
Countries area in km2
Density per km2
GDP (millions $)
GDP per capita ($)
Population by age
0-14 years old 153,765
15-29 years old 138,209
30-44 years old 149,178
45-59 years old 86,964
60-74 years old 42,893
75-89 years old 8,684
90+ years old 785
Male by age
0-14 years old 77,898
15-29 years old 69,678
30-44 years old 78,006
45-59 years old 44,689
60-74 years old 18,200
75-89 years old 2,620
90+ years old 202
Female by age
0-14 years old 75,867
15-29 years old 68,530
30-44 years old 71,168
45-59 years old 42,272
60-74 years old 24,691
75-89 years old 6,065
90+ years old 581

Top 7 locations in Republic of Cabo Verde

Praia 137,868
Mindelo 69,013
Espargos 24,500
Assomada 21,297
Tarrafal 13,483
Porto Novo 11,138
Sal Rei 10,936

List of the largest cities in Republic of Cabo Verde (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest cities in Republic of Cabo Verde?" you've come to the right place!

Rating Republic of Cabo Verde cities by population

Top 7 largest regions in Republic of Cabo Verde

Praia Municipality 130,271
São Vicente Municipality 75,601
Santa Catarina Municipality 41,455
Sal 29,110
Santa Cruz Municipality 26,585
São Filipe Municipality 22,227
Ribeira Grande Municipality 19,201

List of the largest regions in Republic of Cabo Verde (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest regions in Republic of Cabo Verde?" you've come to the right place!

Rating of regions in Republic of Cabo Verde by population

CVE exchange rate

Exchange rates represented by the ExchangesBoard

The main milestones of Republic of Cabo Verde population

1960 200,000
1968 250,000
1983 300,000
1992 350,000
1997 400,000
2004 450,000
2012 500,000
2020 550,000
2028 600,000
2040 650,000

Republic of Cabo Verde population is constantly growing, and we can estimate the main milestones of Republic of Cabo Verde population

Sources of our data about Republic of Cabo Verde

The main sources of data on the population, incidence of coronavirus and other in Republic of Cabo Verde:

  • United Nations (UN) Republic of Cabo Verde statistic;
  • World Bank Republic of Cabo Verde statistic
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Republic of Cabo Verde statistic;

We constantly update information about Republic of Cabo Verde to provide you with only reliable and verified data!

Statistics details

Republic of Cabo Verde population, demographics, and projections to 2100

This graph provides information about the dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of Republic of Cabo Verde population: the Total number of inhabitants, the number of men, the number of women, and the average age of Republic of Cabo Verde inhabitants.

In the table, we present similar data, taking into account the projections until 2100.

Year Population Male Female Median age
1950 178,064 83,982 94,082 23
1951 186,083 88,362 97,721
1952 191,447 91,250 100,197
1953 194,722 92,942 101,780
1954 196,462 93,729 102,733
1955 197,193 93,887 103,306 22
1956 197,417 93,711 103,706
1957 197,593 93,460 104,133
1958 198,129 93,380 104,749
1959 199,434 93,741 105,693
1960 201,770 94,712 107,058 21
1961 205,321 96,391 108,930
1962 210,141 98,820 111,321
1963 216,087 101,881 114,206
1964 222,949 105,410 117,539
1965 230,421 109,209 121,212 17
1966 238,655 113,346 125,309
1967 247,522 117,757 129,765
1968 256,169 122,015 134,154
1969 263,461 125,547 137,914
1970 268,633 127,969 140,664 16
1971 271,315 129,104 142,211
1972 271,841 129,108 142,733
1973 271,068 128,410 142,658
1974 270,228 127,600 142,628
1975 270,240 127,141 143,099 16
1976 271,345 127,129 144,216
1977 273,335 127,501 145,834
1978 276,182 128,300 147,882
1979 279,729 129,570 150,159
1980 283,848 131,297 152,551 16
1981 288,678 133,594 155,084
1982 294,244 136,456 157,788
1983 300,226 139,655 160,571
1984 306,140 142,872 163,268
1985 311,668 145,897 165,771 17
1986 316,613 148,599 168,014
1987 321,137 151,087 170,050
1988 325,744 153,608 172,136
1989 331,180 156,555 174,625
1990 337,953 160,191 177,762 17
1991 346,229 164,615 181,614
1992 355,763 169,676 186,087
1993 366,057 175,097 190,960
1994 376,409 180,469 195,940
1995 386,288 185,501 200,787 17
1996 395,533 190,096 205,437
1997 404,248 194,338 209,910
1998 412,513 198,314 214,199
1999 420,456 202,166 218,290
2000 428,178 206,009 222,169 18
2001 435,701 209,845 225,856
2002 442,955 213,640 229,315
2003 449,925 217,434 232,491
2004 456,619 221,301 235,318
2005 463,034 225,288 237,746 20
2006 469,171 229,420 239,751
2007 475,067 233,675 241,392
2008 480,846 237,959 242,887
2009 486,667 242,121 244,546
2010 492,644 246,066 246,578 23
2011 498,858 249,767 249,091
2012 505,241 253,247 251,994
2013 511,740 256,559 255,181
2014 518,276 259,819 258,457
2015 524,740 263,070 261,670 25
2016 531,140 266,349 264,791
2017 537,499 269,626 267,873
2018 543,764 272,866 270,898
2019 549,936 276,036 273,900
2020 555,988 279,117 276,871 28
2021 561,901 282,095 279,806
2022 567,676 284,981 282,695
2023 573,322 287,786 285,536
2024 578,868 290,525 288,343 29
2025 584,315 293,209 291,106 30
2026 589,668 295,833 293,835
2027 594,931 298,406 296,525
2028 600,086 300,917 299,169
2029 605,125 303,355 301,770
2030 610,062 305,730 304,332 32
2031 614,871 308,034 306,837
2032 619,556 310,255 309,301
2033 624,133 312,419 311,714
2034 628,585 314,506 314,079
2035 632,889 316,516 316,373 34
2036 637,075 318,455 318,620
2037 641,116 320,311 320,805
2038 645,018 322,099 322,919
2039 648,773 323,797 324,976
2040 652,383 325,424 326,959 36
2041 655,824 326,960 328,864
2042 659,117 328,416 330,701
2043 662,249 329,790 332,459
2044 665,208 331,074 334,134
2045 668,016 332,273 335,743 37
2046 670,645 333,385 337,260
2047 673,104 334,405 338,699
2048 675,392 335,334 340,058
2049 677,488 336,160 341,328
2050 679,399 336,891 342,508 39
2051 681,115 337,525 343,590
2052 682,640 338,058 344,582
2053 683,967 338,489 345,478
2054 685,110 338,822 346,288
2055 686,075 339,063 347,012 40
2056 686,841 339,212 347,629
2057 687,439 339,270 348,169
2058 687,858 339,243 348,615
2059 688,086 339,122 348,964
2060 688,120 338,911 349,209 42
2061 687,973 338,613 349,360
2062 687,647 338,229 349,418
2063 687,153 337,773 349,380
2064 686,476 337,238 349,238
2065 685,643 336,637 349,006 43
2066 684,672 335,976 348,696
2067 683,541 335,261 348,280
2068 682,253 334,473 347,780
2069 680,817 333,629 347,188
2070 679,251 332,753 346,498 44
2071 677,538 331,813 345,725
2072 675,704 330,837 344,867
2073 673,752 329,822 343,930
2074 671,696 328,768 342,928
2075 669,553 327,698 341,855 45
2076 667,322 326,599 340,723
2077 665,034 325,485 339,549
2078 662,668 324,349 338,319
2079 660,250 323,203 337,047
2080 657,798 322,053 335,745 46
2081 655,295 320,885 334,410
2082 652,753 319,717 333,036
2083 650,195 318,544 331,651
2084 647,617 317,366 330,251
2085 645,032 316,193 328,839 47
2086 642,417 315,006 327,411
2087 639,799 313,823 325,976
2088 637,162 312,623 324,539
2089 634,527 311,426 323,101
2090 631,870 310,218 321,652 48
2091 629,199 309,003 320,196
2092 626,512 307,772 318,740
2093 623,791 306,521 317,270
2094 621,071 305,272 315,799
2095 618,309 303,997 314,312 48
2096 615,524 302,706 312,818
2097 612,706 301,394 311,312
2098 609,833 300,049 309,784
2099 606,928 298,688 308,240
2100 603,949 297,289 306,660 49
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