Top 100 largest cities in Chile

List of the largest cities in Chile (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest cities in Chile?" you've come to the right place!

Santiago 4,837,295
Puente Alto 510,417
Antofagasta 309,832
Viña del Mar 294,551
Valparaíso 282,448
Talcahuano 252,968
San Bernardo 249,858
Temuco 238,129
Iquique 227,499
Arica 221,364
Concepción 215,413
Rancagua 212,695
La Pintana 201,178
Talca 197,479
Calama 165,731
Coquimbo 161,317
Port Montt 160,054
La Serena 154,521
Chillán 150,396
Osorno 135,773
Valdivia 133,419
Quilpué 130,263
Copiapó 129,280
Los Ángeles 125,430
Punta Arenas 117,430
Lo Prado 104,316
Curicó 102,438
Villa Alemana 97,320
Coronel 92,940
San Antonio 85,651
Chiguayante 82,545
Ovalle 77,138
Linares 69,535
Quillota 67,779
Peñaflor 65,495
Melipilla 63,100
San Felipe 59,294
Los Andes 56,859
Buin 55,441
Talagante 51,764
Lota 49,763
Hacienda La Calera 49,106
Tomé 46,698
Penco 46,091
Coyhaique 45,787
Vallenar 44,895
Angol 44,856
Rengo 38,100
Constitución 37,917
Limache 35,876
Santa Cruz 33,283
Paine 32,766
Villarrica 31,602
San Carlos 31,517
Cauquenes 31,362
Curanilahue 30,611
Las Animas 30,000
Castro 29,926
San Vicente de Tagua Tagua 29,560
Lampa 29,250
Molina 28,775
Ancud 28,020
Machalí 27,595
Pucón 26,953
Parral 26,904
La Unión 26,298
Puerto Varas 24,958
La Ligua 24,857
Arauco 24,659
Victoria 24,555
Tocopilla 24,460
Graneros 23,301
El Monte 23,090
Illapel 22,816
San Vicente 22,572
San Javier 22,427
Lebu 22,345
Mulchén 22,170
Quellón 21,823
Lautaro 21,579
Nacimiento 21,220
Cañete 20,158
Puerto Natales 20,000
Nueva Imperial 18,777
Cabrero 18,327
Diego de Almagro 18,137
Chicureo Abajo 18,000
Chimbarongo 17,356
Puerto Aisén 16,936
Cartagena 16,875
Llaillay 16,646
Laja 16,550
Collipulli 16,392
Panguipulli 16,312
Loncoche 15,590
Río Bueno 15,456
Villa Presidente Frei, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile 15,000
Traiguén 14,481
Monte Patria 13,945
Pitrufquén 13,743

Explore our comprehensive page providing a deep dive into the key urban centers of Chile. Our page features an exhaustive list of cities, ranked from the largest to the smallest, detailed with information about each city, including population, geographical features, demographic, and economic indicators.

Our data is sourced from reliable and authoritative sources, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information. We regularly update our data several times a day, reflecting any changes in real-time to provide you with the latest insights.

Understanding the largest cities in Chile is crucial for various reasons. Urban planners and city managers leverage this knowledge to comprehend urban infrastructure and development. For businesses, this data is vital for identifying market opportunities and strategizing growth plans. Students and researchers can use this information for studies and analyses on urbanization and its impact on society and the economy.

This page also serves as a valuable resource for tourists and new residents, providing an overview of the key urban hubs of Chile, helping them navigate and plan their travels or relocation. Getting acquainted with the largest cities offers a deeper understanding of the country's cultural, social, and economic fabric.

Our page offers more than just raw statistical data; it provides contextual information that helps understand why certain cities are important hubs and how they contribute to the overall development narrative of Chile. Each entry in our city list unveils unique features and significance of these urban centers in the country's broader context.

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